Diamond Level Sponsor $1000.00 Per Item Two (2) Social Media Blasts, Two (2) Email Blasts, Field Banner 5’x 3’ Display at all events and games,
Website Banner, CVLL Window Sticker, POP Marketing
Handouts, Thank You Plaque, and a receipt for your tax records.
Gold Level Sponsor $750.00 Per Item Two (2) Social Media Blasts, Field Banner 5’x 3’ Display at weekly games alongside fences, Website Banner, CVLL Window Sticker, POP Marketing Handouts, Thank You Plaque, and a receipt for your tax record.
Silver Level Sponsor $500.00 Per Item Field Banner 5’x 3’ Display at
weekly games alongside fences,
CVLL Window Sticker, POP Marketing Handouts, Thank You Plaque, and a receipt for your tax record.
Bronze Level Sponsor $250.00 Per Item Field Banner 5’x 3’ Display at
weekly games alongside fences,
CVLL Window Sticker, POP Marketing Handouts, Thank You Plaque, and a receipt for your tax record.